- brush stroke
- мазок кисти
Англо-русский словарь компьютерных и интернет терминов. 2013.
Англо-русский словарь компьютерных и интернет терминов. 2013.
brush|stroke — «BRUHSH STROHK», noun. 1. a movement of the brush when applying paint. 2. the method of using brushstrokes in painting … Useful english dictionary
brush stroke — movement of a painter s brush; mark and texture created by the movement of a painter s brush … English contemporary dictionary
brush·stroke — /ˈbrʌʃˌstroʊk/ noun, pl strokes [count] : the paint left on a painting by a movement of the artist s brush … Useful english dictionary
Brushing, Brush-Stroke — [englisch/amerikanisch, brʌʃɪȖ, brʌʃstrəʊk], auch Strumming, einfache Art der Liedbegleitung auf der Gitarre; Akkordanschlag (auch arpeggiert) mit den Fingern der Anschlaghand, auch im Wechsel obere Saiten/untere Saiten … Universal-Lexikon
stroke — stroke1 [ strouk ] noun count ** ▸ 1 medical condition ▸ 2 unexpected event ▸ 3 a hit with hand/object ▸ 4 in swimming/rowing ▸ 5 when lightning hits something ▸ 6 hour sound of clocks ▸ 7 single pen/brush mark ▸ 8 hand movement ▸ 9 slash mark… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
stroke */*/ — I UK [strəʊk] / US [stroʊk] noun Word forms stroke : singular stroke plural strokes 1) a medical condition in which blood is suddenly blocked and cannot reach the brain, or in which a blood vessel in the brain breaks, often causing a loss of the… … English dictionary
Stroke order — (zh stp|s=笔顺|t=筆順|p=bǐshùn; ja. 筆順 hitsujun or ja. 書き順 kaki jun ; ko. 필순 筆順 pilsun or ko. 획순 畫順 hoeksun ) refers to the correct order in which the strokes of a Chinese character are written. A stroke is a movement of a writing instrument. Chinese … Wikipedia
brush — brush1 [brush] n. [ME brushe < OFr broce, brosse, bush, brushwood < VL * bruscia < Gmc * bruskaz, underbrush: for IE base see BREAST] 1. BRUSHWOOD ☆ 2. sparsely settled country, covered with wild scrub growth 3. a) a device having… … English World dictionary
brush — [n1] tool with bristles for cleaning besom, broom, hairbrush, mop, polisher, sweeper, toothbrush, waxer, whisk; concept 499 brush [n2] fight clash, conflict, confrontation, encounter, engagement, fracas, rub, run in, scrap, set to, skirmish, tap … New thesaurus
stroke — [n1] accomplishment achievement, blow*, feat, flourish, hit*, move, movement; concept 706 Ant. failure, loss stroke [n2] seizure apoplexy, attack, collapse, convulsion, fit, shock; concepts 33,308 stroke [v] … New thesaurus
stroke — stroke1 S3 [strəuk US strouk] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(illness)¦ 2¦(swimming/rowing)¦ 3¦(sport)¦ 4¦(pen/brush)¦ 5 at a/one stroke 6 on the stroke of seven/nine etc 7 stroke of luck/fortune 8 stroke of genius/inspiration etc 9¦(hit) … Dictionary of contemporary English